Monday, May 27, 2013

Samantha Time Travels

 Hiya, readers! I hope you are having a great weekend! I am already out for the summer (Yahoo!), so keep an eye out for more posts. Onto today's photo story!

 I caught Samantha using my stool to look onto my bookshelf. I should have stopped her, but I was curious...

 Samantha was on my stool, looking at the shelf with the doll books on my bookshelf.

 She was looking at the doll stories. Most of them were historical characters, but a few were girl of the year dolls.

 Samantha decided to pull out the book Nellie's Promise.

  As Samantha climbed down the stool, she realized that the two girls on the front looked very familiar...

 Where have I seen these people before? wondered Samantha.

After climbing onto her bed, Samantha got settled and started to read her book. (Which wasn't really her book at all!)

"That's odd," Samantha said. "This girl looks like me and has the same name as me."

Samantha started to read the book. I think she's enjoying it!

"I wonder what it would be like to live in 1904 with Samantha and Nellie," Samantha wondered aloud. And off she went!

When Samantha returned, she was dressed for a walk in the park in 1904. Acting as if she was really there, Samantha said, "Oh, it is a lovely day for a stroll in these gardens. This is quite a lovely parasol here. And when I return to the house, I shall have some tea and crump-"

Samantha was interrupted by Nellie. "Uh, Samantha, what are you... doing?" asked Nellie.  

 "Well... I, uh... I was pretending that I was a Victorian girl like the girl in this book," said Samantha.

 "Okay..." said Nellie. There was a pause. "Can I join you?" asked Nellie.

 "Sure!" said Samantha.

 So before you know it, Nellie changed clothes and the girls ate cookies and tea!

I hope you have enjoyed this photo story! Use your imagination today! BFN, :Doll Whiz

1 comment:

  1. Nice photo story. I like the concept of Samantha reading about herself...
