Friday, May 31, 2013

A Little of This and That

 Hello, readers! This post doesn't really have a topic, it just shares some things with you. 

 First, I have a height comparison of different sized dolls to share. Here we go!

 From left to right: Katie, the Liv girl doll; Dora, the Dora Links doll (who sometimes goes by Ginger); Consuelo, the Heart 4 Heart Girls doll; Kanali, the American Girl doll; and Mollie, the Madame Alexander doll.

 After the picture, Katie got mad because she was the shortest.

  Second, if you are looking for the "Blog Info" section under Categories, it now has the new name of "Extras by Doll Whiz". 

 Third, just remember that I'd love to hear from you! Have a great day! :Doll Whiz
 P.S. This is the 25th post! Yay Doll Whiz!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Dora Links

 Hiya, readers! How many of you have heard of Dora Links? Some of you may have. Some of you may own her. Still others may not know a thing about what I'm talking about. But, never fear! I am here to tell you about Dora Links and her world!

This is Dora Links. She is a grown up version of (you guessed it) Dora the Explorer.

 Dora Links comes with this outfit, a stand, a purse, a chair, and a brush.

A closer look at the detail of her dress and purse.

Dora is different from most dolls. For instance, she has a USB port on her side...

a place for batteries on her back...

and she talks!

 Let's stick the USB port in Dora's side and plug it in to the computer...

 and then pull up her software.

(Below, from left to right: Emma, Kate, Dora, Naiya, and Alana)

 After we log in, we can start exploring!

 The map of Dora's hometown, Puerto Verde.

 Let's change Dora's hair length and see what happens!

You can do missions on the game... (here's a checklist for the mission I am currently on)

and Dora will talk about your missions!

We can also change Dora's earring and necklace color!

Although you cannot change Dora's clothes in real life unless you buy another outfit, you can change her clothes on the game.

And as if that isn't enough, we can change Dora's eye color, lipstick, and blush!

So, I hope that you learned something today about Dora Links. She's pretty cool, isn't she? I haven't played with her in a while, so you guys get a special treat! 

 I would not recommend her for children under... six or seven, how about, because she has batteries and USB ports and other fancy stuff like that which aren't for rough little kids. However, if you are above that age and are okay with the fact that your doll is really Dora the Explorer and that it is probably not on the cheap side, I say that you might want to buy her.

 Dora has an animated movie with all her friends in it. I saw it at my cousins' house. She and her friends are looking for their concert tickets. You can still find Dora and some of her accessories online.

 All opinions on this product are my own, because as you already know, I do not work for any doll companies. Have a great day! :Doll Whiz

 P.S. If you want to see something creepy that you can do with Dora, watch this video. Beware of the creepiness!

 P.S.S. Here is the answer to the "Guess! Eye Spy" post: Caroline!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Guess! Eye Spy

 Hello readers! It's time for another guessing game! Based on this close-up picture of a doll, can you guess who this might be?

 Sorry that the picture is blurry. When you zoom things in, blurriness just happens. This photo is by American Girl.

 Is she hypnotizing you? The doll, I mean. Stare into her mysterious eyes... now when I snap my fingers... you will... magically know what doll this is! 

 You could also have a staring contest with her. She's going to win, though. Or you could be falling in love with her magical eyes right now... just random thoughts.

 Anyways, I'd like some reader feedback. What kinds of things do you want to see on my blog? More guessing games? More photo stories? Reviews? Knock-knock jokes? Okay, probably not that last one, but I'd like to hear from you! You can comment below this post. You can talk here, or you can answer guessing game questions like this.

 No pressure. Just happy reading. And happy thoughts. Have a great day! :Doll Whiz