Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt

 Happy Easter, readers! I think that doll Easter egg hunts are popular photo stories, so I am going to do one as well. I have a few (12) Easter eggs that are a good size for dolls, so I used those in this photo story. Thanks to Doll Diaries for inspiration! Enjoy!

 It is Easter and Nellie has invited her friends to an Easter egg hunt at the park. The eggs are already hidden and they are ready to start!

 "All right girls," says Nellie,"let's get started! There are 12 eggs, so each of you can get 4 eggs. There is an egg with a special treat, and that egg is purple. Ready, set, go!"

(How many eggs can you see right now?)

"I found an egg in the grass by my foot!" exclaimed Kanali.

"This little guy was underneath the bench," said Samantha.
  Meanwhile, Rebecca finds an egg by the spot where she was standing. 

Soon, there was only one egg left. Samantha had only found 3 eggs, so she got to find the last egg. The last egg was the special egg. Samantha set out   to find it.


"I found it!" Samantha exclaimed excitedly. "It was tricky, but I found it!"

The girls all put their candy in a big tin. They sure got a lot of sweets! Don't get sick, girls!

 I hope that you all had a good Easter and enjoyed this little photo story! But there is still more fun to come, because you get to try to solve a mystery! 

Notice that I did not mention where the special egg that was hard to find was. Can you guess where it is? Take a minute to think, then look at the next paragraph.

Answer: I taped it underneath the table!

Remember the true reason of why we celebrate Easter and have a happy April! :Doll Whiz

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Recycling Items Into Doll Accessories

 Hey readers! Have you ever made items for your dolls out of household objects? Here are a few things that I have made in that category.

 First, here are some little doll cakes that I believe were made from deodorant caps. I covered them with Knot-a-Quilt squares and then decorated them with ribbon and jewels.

  Next, we have a Springfield shirt that can be a summer dress for cute little Consuelo.

 We used American Girl's "How to make American Curls" set to give Consuelo some waves in the back.

  And last, but never least, Kanali doing some tricks on the uneven bars at her gym. This item was made using cardboard, construction paper, the frame of a baby doll play pen, and lots of tape!

 The moral of the story is: reuse household items and make them doll accessories! The deodorant caps were headed to the recycling bin before I "rescued" them. And, the baby doll playpen is not currently being set up, so it makes good uneven bars. Also, try closet swapping to see if something that looks good on one doll can look good on another doll! Hope these tips help you make great crafts in the future! :Doll Whiz

 P.S. I hope you get my new name. It is a smiley face that fits into my name.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Rebecca's Beam Routine

 Hello, readers! Are you ready for another video that I made? If you haven't seen Cupcakes and Cows, you can watch it here. This next video is called Rebecca's Beam Routine. I actually made this one before Cupcakes and Cows. It was my first stop motion video. 

Enjoy! :Doll Whiz

P.S. This video is kind of cheesy because you can see my hand. I did better with stop motion in Cupcakes and Cows!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Valentine's Day Photo Story: Part 3

 Hey, readers! Hope you all are having a wonderful Wednesday! Here is the last part of our Valentine's Day photo story. If you haven't read parts one and two of the story, click here for part one and here for part two. Here is the finale!

 Yesterday, the girls were cleaning up the conversation hearts, going to start the next activity. Nellie asked what the activity was, and now Kanali is going to answer the question.

 "Well, I thought we could make Valentine's cards for the kids in the hospital," said Kanali. 

"That's a great idea!" exclaimed Rebecca.

"This is fun," said Nellie. 

"Look at my heart," said Samantha.

"I wrote Valentine's day," said Nellie.

"And I wrote 'Love' with a heart for the 'O'," said Kanali.

"I went ahead and did the inside," said Rebecca. "It says, 'Dear children, I wish you a happy Valentine's Day! Feel better soon!'"

A little while later...

 "Is everyone finished?" asked Kanali. 

"Yep!" they all said.

 "I'll put the cards here on the table. Wow! It's almost time to go!" said Kanali.

 "Here are goody bags for each of you," said Kanali.

"Thank you," said all of the other girls.

 "Look at what's in them!" exclaimed Samantha. "A ring, a Hershey kiss, a chocolate bar, and... what's this thing wrapped in foil?"

 "Chocolate hearts!" said Samantha excitedly.

I hope you all had a great Valentine's Day and didn't eat too much candy! I hope you all liked the photo story. If there's anything that you want me to make a tutorial on, leave a comment on the item and I might do a how-to!   Yesterday, we had a Spanish farewell; today, we will have a French goodbye.
Au revoir, les amateurs de poupées! (Which once again means "Goodbye, doll fans!") :Doll Whiz

P.S. KYEOFPT means "Keep Your Eyes Open For Post Three!" :D

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Valentine's Day Photo Story: Part 2

 Helloooo, readers! I hope you have been eagerly waiting for the next part of my Valentine's Day story! If you haven't seen part one yet, click here to read it. On to part two!

When we left the girls last time, they were about to start playing conversation hearts. 

 "How do we play that?" asked Rebecca.

"Let me explain," said Kanali. Each conversation heart has a word. You have to pick out hearts to make a sentence."

"For example,," picked out Kanali.

"Oh, I get it!" said Nellie. "I'll try! the...pretty...heart."

"My turn!" said Samantha.


 "Ok, here goes," said Rebecca.


"Wait, what?" said Samantha. "Pet the pretty cool...heart?"
"Yeah," replied Rebecca. "Pet the pretty cool heart."
"Okay..." said Samantha.

"All right," said Kanali. "I'll go ahead and clean this up so we can start our next activity."

 "What's the activity?" asked Nellie.

 Yes, I'm going to stop here. Yes, I have the time to do the next post. But yes, I'm making you wait. And yes, I will try to get the next part up really soon. I may not do it today, because then, what's the point in making you wait? :D I hope you all are really excited for the next post. 

 So, KYEOFPT! (This is next to impossible to decipher, but maybe you can do it! I'll tell you the answer in the next part.) 

 Adiós, muñeca de los fans! (That means 'Goodbye, doll fans!' in Spanish!) :Doll Whiz (This could be my new signature!)

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Valentine's Day Photo Story: Part 1

 Hey readers! First of all, I am so so sorry for not posting for about a month! I  have been very busy with school (and my new iPod touch... :D) that I haven't posted in a long, long time.

Second, Happy Late Valentine's Day! To make up for being so behind, I will give you this photo story. Enjoy!

It is Valentine's Day (just use your imagination; I know February 14 is long gone) and Kanali has decided to have a Valentine's Day Party. She has sent out the invitations and now, it is party time!

Here come the guests now: 

"Hi! Come on in!" Kanali invites in her guests eagerly.

 Kanali continues, "We have chips and salsa, berries, cupcakes, pizza, and heart shaped cookies."

 Samantha decides to get chips and salsa, a slice of pizza, and a heart cookie.

 Once all of the girls got their food, they sat at the table and ate. "Don't get salsa on your pretty new sweater, Kanali!" said Nellie.

When they finished eating, Kanali said, "Everybody please clear the table."  "We are going to start our games!"

"First is 'Pin the Wing on the Cupid'. Samantha, you can go first."

"Go, Samantha, go!" They all chanted as she put the wing on the cupid.

"You can take your blindfold off now, Samantha," said Nellie.

"Look where I stuck my wing," said Samantha.

 "My turn!" said Rebecca.

Then the group started chanting, "Go, Rebecca, go!"

 "Drat, I'm not even close," said Rebecca.

 "Can I go?" said Nellie.

"Sure," said Rebecca.

 "Yes! Right on!" said Nellie.

"Your turn, Kanali," said Samantha. 

"Okay, here goes," said Kanali. 

"Man, I was so close," said Kanali.

 "Well, congratulations to Nellie for getting it right on," said Kanali. "But now, it's time for the next game, 'Conversation Hearts'."

 Pretty good party so far, huh? Well, don't worry, there's more to come. The party is just so big that I'm going to divide it into separate posts. I made a lot of props for this party, so if you see one that catches your eye, just comment below and I might make a tutorial on it.

 P.S. Oh yeah, almost forgot! I need to give you the answers to last post's guessing game! (If you haven't seen the guessing game yet, don't read any further and click here to try it out!)

Drum-roll please:

Answer 1: LTNP= Long time no post

Answer 2: Josefina

Ciao for now! :) Doll Whiz